Friday, October 31, 2008


OK. So JB tagged me to upload the FOURTH picture from my FOURTH album and tag FOUR more people to do the same. This is one of the many pigs on parade in Seattle when we visited there a year ago before going on an Alaskan cruise in celebration of the 10-year anniversary of Alan's heart surgery. That was our third celebration of Alan's good health following heart surgery at age 45. On the one year anniversary we went to Jamaica. Hawaii was the 5 year anniversary. For the FOURTH celebration, we think we'll go to Europe.

There were pigs everywhere on the street corners of Seattle. In fact--here's FOUR more:

There's just one problem with this game of tag. Everyone else on my bloglist has already been tagged, so I'm offering a different challenge. I want Kathy to publish and write about FOUR different photos from her FORTIES. Of course, that's assuming she can remember her FORTIES and what she was up to then. Afterall, she was born in the FORTIES. Surely Larry threw her a FORTIETH birthday party she can tell us about. I'm guessing, though, that digital cameras didn't exist when Kathy was in her FORTIES, so we'll have to give her time to scan her prints.

1 comment:

KBeau said...

Good grief. We're getting ready to go to St. Louis, and then a wedding coming up. I was doing good to make two posts in one day.