Saturday, March 14, 2009

Road Signs

One of my favorite pasttimes while on the road is to read various signs, whether they be on official highway signs, bumper stickers, or handdone in someone's yard. I've noticed some of my favorites while on the road to and from Destin.

In the middle of Nowhere Mississippi stands one of my favorites. It's a county line sign that my friend June Owens and I are convinced makes her the official owner of that county. All of June's friends and family know that she considers herself the Queen, and she expects others to treat her accordingly. And although I'm sure the good people of Mississippi pronounce Issaquena County "Is A Kwen A", June and I pronounce it "Eyes A Queen A." June likes it so much that I had a replica made for her for Christmas one year. It proudly hangs on her back porch.

Last summer I came upon a handwritten sign in the middle of a Junkyard in Alabama. The sign read, "Pre-depression Sale." Well the looks of that yard full of junk was enough to depress anyone!

My favorite was attached to a bumper sticker on an old delapidated truck in front of me at the McDonald's drive-through in Niceville at 6:00 a.m. on my way back home. I think it speaks for itself.