Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Noah and Brady

Comparing Noah and Brady, who do you think will win the fights?


When I think of how many times I've wished to lose 5 pounds, I never thought I'd be thrilled over that amount of weight, but I've learned it is relative. Emma went to the doctor on Monday, and she weighed in at 5 pounds! Looking at her, that seems so big after 3 pounds 7 ounces at birth.

After coming home on Christmas Eve, Emma seems to be doing well. Scott and Melissa were afraid she had lost weight, but she had gained! She sucks that bottle down like she's starving! I gave her bottle to her yesterday, and she didn't want to let go when it was all gone.

I'm now looking forward to five more pounds.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Merry Duncan Christmas

Forty days after her birth day and 2 weeks before due date, Emma is finally going home today! This is certainly the best Christmas present any of us can ask for.

Two days ago, Emma pulled her feeding tube out as if to say, "I'm tired of this!" They left it out and bottle fed her to see what she would do, and she passed with flying colors. Scott and Melissa, Troy and Lou Ann, and Alan and I had heart monitor training yesterday to prepare for when she goes home. Today the doctor surprised us all by saying it would be today.

Even though she will be on the monitor and isolated from most people, we are so happy she's far enough along to go home.

Thanks for all the prayers. And Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

8 Things

Mandy has tagged me to make an "8 Things" list, so here goes:

8 TV Shows I Watch

I really don't watch much TV. I can do without the noise. Mostly, I watch whatever Alan has on. During the day, I never turn it on, but here's what I can come up with.

1. Razorbacks basketball games
2. American Idol
3. Dallas Cowboys Football
4. Cardinals Baseball
5. Razorbacks Football
6. Occasionally, the News
7. The NCAA Basketball Tournament games
8. The Super Bowl

8 Favorite Restaurants

1. Criollas (Even though it has closed, it's still my favorite)
2. Fish Out of Water
3. Cafe Tango
4. LaPaz
5. Bonefish
6. 1620
7. Edith's
8. The Office

8 Things That Happened to Me Today

Since it's only 8 a.m., I'm going with yesterday.

1. I checked Matt out of the hospital
2. I visited Emma in a different hospital
3. I picked Brady up from daycare and brought him home to spend the night.
4. I worked out
5. I got happy e-mails from many of my nephews and from my brother trying to weasel his way onto the condo list.
6. Got three packages from UPS. I've gotten at least one every day this week.
7. Talked to all my children
8. Had 1 hour of sleep last night.

8 Things I Look forward to

1. Christmas Day--that means all the packages are wrapped, all the cooking is done, and it's time to share my grandkids' first Christmas!
2. Emma getting out of the hospital
3. Sleep
4. Going to any beach anytime
5. Taking a vacation with all my kids, their spouses, and their kids. We just need to find a time when we can do that!
6. Finishing the new condo so I can enjoy it.
7. Being able to take a picture of Noah, Brady, and Emma all together
8. Good times with family and friends

8 Things I Wish For

1. Peace on Earth--sounds corny, I know, but it's true
2. Good health as I grow older
3. Happy, healthy children and grandchildren
4. Someone to give the rest of the P.A.R.K. endowment money
5. Beach time
6. More kindness and tolerance and less criticism
7. Being able to sleep better
8. Trips to places I've never been

Monday, December 15, 2008

Emma's Big Girl Bed

Emma finally made it to an open-air crib in the wee hours of the morning today. It's definitely nice to be able to reach in and touch her without opening doors or lifting the top of her warmer. She seems very content to be out in the open. She continues to slowly gain weight, but it's looking more doubtful that she will be home for Christmas. I guess I'll be spending Christmas morning in the Baptist Hospital NICU!

Monday, December 1, 2008

A Quick Emma Update

Emma's first photo

Emma Louise Duncan made a rushed appearance into this world on Nov. 13. She wasn't about to let Ben and Claire have the weekend all to themselves, so two months early she decided she'd come meet the family while everyone was staying at my house for the wedding! Needless to say, life's been chaotic around the Duncan household ever since.

Emma arrived waving at the world, and she's made remarkable progress while staying in the Baptist Hospital NICU. She started on a ventilator, receiving oxygen, and being fed by an IV. She has since moved twice to step down units, gotten rid of the ventilator, IV, and oxygen and is now only hooked up to a feeding tube. She is also taking a good deal of her formula by bottle. They are still trying to find the right formula for her and get her to where they can get rid of the feeding tube, and we are all hopeful that she'll make it home for Christmas.

Melissa continues to recuperate at home, and she goes to the hospital twice a day to check on Emma. Scott gets there at least once a day while working. Mar Mar and Papa D get by there whenever we can.

We'll let you know when she goes home.