Monday, December 1, 2008

A Quick Emma Update

Emma's first photo

Emma Louise Duncan made a rushed appearance into this world on Nov. 13. She wasn't about to let Ben and Claire have the weekend all to themselves, so two months early she decided she'd come meet the family while everyone was staying at my house for the wedding! Needless to say, life's been chaotic around the Duncan household ever since.

Emma arrived waving at the world, and she's made remarkable progress while staying in the Baptist Hospital NICU. She started on a ventilator, receiving oxygen, and being fed by an IV. She has since moved twice to step down units, gotten rid of the ventilator, IV, and oxygen and is now only hooked up to a feeding tube. She is also taking a good deal of her formula by bottle. They are still trying to find the right formula for her and get her to where they can get rid of the feeding tube, and we are all hopeful that she'll make it home for Christmas.

Melissa continues to recuperate at home, and she goes to the hospital twice a day to check on Emma. Scott gets there at least once a day while working. Mar Mar and Papa D get by there whenever we can.

We'll let you know when she goes home.

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