Friday, October 24, 2008


I wanted to add a picture of Henny and Penny to the last post, but I haven't figured out yet how to add photos from the web. I also notice a capital "A" where a little "a" should have been. Ya'll bear with me. I'll get this blogging stuff down eventually.


the osbornes said...

I'll teach you how to add pictures from the Internet (you just have to save the picture to your computer first). And I can show you how to go back and edit the posts if the typos really bother you.

To be fair, Melissa was also with us that day and she's the one who suggested a grouping with the calendar, and to hang the chickens on another wall.

Couldn't you have picked a better and more recent picture of the boys? Poor Noah looks like a giant, like he's about to eat Brady

KBeau said...

Actually, you don't even have to save an internet picture to your computer first. Just right click on the picture, select "properties" at the bottom, copy the address (URL) of the picture. Then on the page where you are posting, select the photo icon. It will give you the option of browsing your computer for a picture or pasting the URL into a box.

I have found that in composing posts the pictures are always placed at the top and then I have to drag them to where I want them. This always seems to create extra space between paragraphs, which I have to close up.

Also, it's "y'all" (contraction for "you all").

Now, I would like for someone to help me find those neat blog backgrounds that y'all are using.